The Internet has brought about brand new security threats, and spyware is one of the most common.  If you use the Internet you need to take immediate action to counter the spyware that poses a serious threat to your privacy.

There are four ways to block spyware.  Each should be used to keep prying eyes out of your computer files.

You are facing a battle that must be waged at two levels. First, you’ll have to detect and eliminate the spyware that has already entered the computer system without your knowledge. Second, you need to make sure that the steps that you have taken will prevent new spyware from infiltrating your system. 

You can achieve both of these objectives if you follow these four steps:

Warning message on a PC monitor

1. Update your Windows software.

Most spyware is written for systems that run on Windows. Microsoft, the maker of Windows, is well aware of this fact and constantly provides useful information and security patches to deal with spyware.  Make a point of visiting the official Microsoft website regularly to download security patches and learn about new spyware floating on the net.  You will considerably reduce the risk to your computer.

2. Set up firewalls. 

A firewall provides an effective spyware blocker. Firewalls protect your computer and check for the authenticity of every file that you try to access on the net. This feature can also be set to detect malicious programs and prevent them from entering your computer. Therefore, spyware and adware files have no chance of being uploaded to your PC.  Those using Windows XP already have existing firewalls in the operating system.  All you need to do is activate them using a simple procedure, which you learn all about at Microsoft’s support site.

3. Install spyware protection software. 

Anti-spyware software must be downloaded at the first possible opportunity. This software ensures that any existing spyware in your computer is detected and erased. It will also ensure that no new spyware enters your system. This permanent solution should be put into action as early as possible. For best results, update your spyware protection on a regular basis.

4. Prevention. 

The easiest way to avoid being affected by spyware and adware is to remember that nothing comes without a price. Any “free” programs or tools that you choose to download from online sites will invariably lead to the download of spyware or adware.  This type of download should be avoided at all costs.  Also, you should avoid clicking on those tempting pop-up ads that appear on your screen.

The Internet has opened a world of possibilities and opportunities, but it has also brought new threats.  Safeguard your PC, and your own security, with good spyware protection.

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